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Nourish the Mind, Body, and Wallet

Providing Health, Wealth, and Real Estate education

Ben Big Smile

Welcome, my name is Ben Y. Thomasian and I created this webpage to share my blogs that are the text versions of my Health, Wealth, and Real Estate YouTube Channel and now also have a TikTok channel. Please reach out if you have any questions, comments, or a complimentary one-on-one. I want to hear from those who are getting something from what I have shared.  I believe in sharing value and knowledge with no expectation of compensation and it's always heart warming to hear from my occasional viewers, YouTube subscribers, or even those who are here just to read the blogs. I'm here as a resource and I want to be utilized to answer your questions. Reach out to me on the "Get in Touch" button on top or the link at the bottom of this page to fill out the form or schedule me on my calendarly link.

Fruit Bowl


I have always felt that we should all have a well-rounded knowledge of health because without our health we have nothing. My experience with the subject of health began with my diagnosis as a type 2 diabetic six years ago and I wanted to get off of the insulin shots, stabbing my stomach with a needle 2, 3, or 4 times a day, and have successfully done so.  I also have finally started winning the battle of the bulge after fighting obesity my entire life. Yes, I was a fat baby, toddler, child, and teenager on through my adulthood and I know it’s cliche but I have really tried every diet out there to lose weight and finally learned what I was doing wrong and hope to help enlighten you as well. We should also be financially protected if the unexpected health even occurs which takes us to wealth.

Care Image


The education in this country is so very much lacking when it comes to learning how money works, the rules of money everyone should know, how a 401k, 403b, IRA accounts work exactly and why aren't all the ultra wealthy American's investing in them? There are options that require someone who is a licensed financial professional, which I am, to share. No financial advisor can offer the same solutions, I'm not a sales agent, I consider myself a financial teacher who's passionate about the subject. Maybe you a business owner? If I can show you how to lower your tax exposure, lower your debt ratio, increase your tax deductions, and increase your capital funding, is that something you can take advantage of in your business?


Real Estate

And last but not least, Real Estate to build a passive income stream to keep you going, it can be another great option for passive income for the many years of what I hope is a healthy and fruitful life with the help of this sites content. The fact of the matter is, Real Estate is the number one income source for those who have become super rich or comfortable in life here in the United States and we should all learn how to tap into this resource and I hope to keep you from making the same mistakes that I did along the way.  This section alone can save you thousands of dollars in the short term and headache and stress long term.